Hitting manufacturing goals
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 12:41:23 AM
Glorious backers: manufacturing has gone well- the components are made, and are assembling into complete box sets. From here on out, I can update you frequently to milestone the remaining process and update timing expectations.
Allow me to share a quandary: it is good to share information quickly, and good to ensure information is accurate. The longer I wait, the more accurate my timeline information is - but, the earlier information is delivered, the more useful it is! So, I shall provide my current expectation and say only that I will adjust it as the process plays out in real time. When assembly is done -today I believe this to be in about a week- the games will get onto trucks, drive to a dock, get on a boat, go to a few continents, get organized in warehouses, and thereafter deliver to their final destinations: you. This adds up to everyone getting their game in August.
As the manufacturing process comes to a close, and I communicate more with logistics, I will be able to move from conventional expectations by the businesses running these stages of development to realistic time updates based on actual permits/trucking/cargo activity.
In the video below, I go a bit into story-mode and try to add value (while you wait for the game) by showing you around my lab, and sharing what it's like to engage the process as Hogg Publishing.
Placeholder update: manufacturing fine, golem 1p scenario is up
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 01:39:03 AM
Glorious backers: please allow me a 'placeholder' update. Manufacturing of the product is still going well- I am waiting for the delivery of the last quality control check. The manufacturer's aim was ~June 26, but we haven't quite hit that. So: I will update you again (with a vlog) once that does in fact arrive. Thus, today's intermediary update.
1-player scenarios continue to progress, with the 3rd out of 4 published today (link below).
I'm very much looking forward to the next update and getting this product out into the world. Thanks as always for taking this journey with me! Not many milestones left now.
Mass production and 1-player scenarios
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 07:56:37 PM
Glorious backers, we are well into mass production. The train is on the tracks and rolling. Along the way, we got the manufacturer to introduce a whole new line of cardboard to meet our quality control goals. Story in the vlog. From here, we'll have to stay in touch on timing of shipments, which will depend on when we queue for cargo ships leaving china and the timelines of the actual logistics company. For the most part, we have done our part and we now monitor the production and shipping elements. I'm stoked!
Two of four 1-player scenarios are out- the adventure's scenario came out on May 1 as promised, and today (June 1) the Warlock scenario is up on the website. Won't lie- committing to four 1-player scenarios was ambitious, but I like how it's going. They're hard! But fun.
More details in the vlog, as always.
Manufacturing proceeds
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 10:14:10 PM
Glorious backers- the machination of production is underway. The first copy of the game is in queue for the press. This will lead into the QC phase, followed by the industrial print run, and then delivery.
Going back and forth with LongPack, our manufacturer, has cost a touch of time. This is a great company, and my first choice- but I myself had a little learning to do, so comms and consultation required occasional repetition. I would say that we should push back timeline expectations by a couple of weeks. Allow Hogg Publishing to offically re-calibrate delivery expectations to July. This is perhaps faster than the average Kickstarter, but re-aligns from our original target. The Vlog, below, gets into the cool business details for the interested.
Also in the video: website has received updates, first 1P scenario releases May 1, and on YouTube I maybe maybe might try my hand at a video that isn't an update for glory.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend.
Pledge manager and post Kickstarter process
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 12:05:00 AM
Glorious backers: we are off to a good start on the business/logistics/manufacturing processes. Please allow me to update you in the vlog, below. We're finding our best chances at the best shipping date and logistics savings. I'm expanding the use of the vlog- a little bit- to bring the backer community behind the scenes, giving my take on the business side of things.
PLEDGE MANAGER: the first 5% of surveys are out today. We will make sure it is straightforward and error free, then send it out to the remaining 95% of backers. This will capture your shipping information, allow you change it if need be, and connect the logistics company to your specific shipping project.